About the Procedure:
Cervicoplasty, or neck lift, is an effective solution for those who wish to improve the appearance of the neck area, eliminating excess skin and redefining the contours of the jaw. Ideal for people who have lost firmness in the neck area due to factors such as aging or weight changes, cervicoplasty restores a harmonious profile, highlighting the jawline and the angle of the neck.
The procedure is performed through discreet incisions around the ears and sometimes on the underside of the chin. Through these small incisions, the surgeon removes excess skin, reduces accumulated fat and tightens the muscles to give a firmer appearance. The results are long-lasting and offer a natural rejuvenation.
In addition, for those who wish to combine surgery with travel, we offer a medical tourism service in Medellin, which includes lodging, transportation and postoperative care. Thus, our patients can recover in comfort and privacy in an ideal environment.
Learn about the procedure
1. What results can I expect from cervicoplasty?
Cervicoplasty redefines the contour of the neck and jaw, eliminating sagging and restoring a smooth and rejuvenated appearance to the neck. The result is a more defined and harmonious profile.
2. When will I see the final results of the surgery?
The final results are usually seen 2 to 3 months later, when the swelling has been completely reduced. However, the initial changes are already visible in the first weeks.
3. Is it a safe surgery?
Yes, cervicoplasty is a safe procedure, especially when performed by a certified and experienced surgeon. We follow strict protocols to ensure a quick and uncomplicated recovery.
After an cervicoplasty, it is crucial to follow these recommendations:
Take care of your sleeping posture: Keep your head elevated during the first weeks to reduce swelling.
Avoid sudden movements: Limit activities that require intense physical effort or excessive movement of the neck.
Wear the compression band: It is important to wear the compression band as directed to aid in recovery.
Protect the treated area from the sun: During the recovery process, avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen to prevent sun spots.
Stay hydrated and follow a healthy diet: Drinking water and maintaining a balanced diet promotes recovery and helps reduce swelling.
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Frequent questions
How long does the surgery last?Abdominoplasty generally lasts between 3 to 4 hours, depending on the complexity of the case and the extent of the surgery. However, the exact duration can vary based on individual needs and the approach of the procedure.
What results can I expect?The results of abdominoplasty are usually very satisfactory, improving the contour and appearance of the abdomen. However, the results can be affected by factors such as aging, weight gain or subsequent pregnancy.
How much recovery time is needed?Recovery varies, but it usually takes 2 to 4 weeks for the person to return to light activities. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks.
Are there scars?Yes, abdominoplasty leaves a scar, but the surgeon places the incision in an inconspicuous area, usually in the lower abdomen, where it can be hidden with underwear or swimwear.
Can I exercise after surgery?Intense exercise should be avoided for at least 6 weeks after surgery to allow adequate recovery. Light exercise may be started earlier, according to the surgeon's recommendations.
When can I see the final results?Although you may see immediate improvement, the final results of abdominoplasty can take anywhere from 6 months to a year to be fully visible as the swelling gradually decreases.